Sunday 28 October 2018


So you wanna be an officer? Ok. It’s easy! Just play better than most of your clubmates. A challenge to be sure! But not impossible because “We’re always looking for a few good men”!!!!

So how do we determine when and who becomes an officer! Well for starters, we don’t have a full team yet. So we have been promoting players that have crossed the 3 billion mark on the ladder for the week. And they will still have to do that. But that isn’t going to be the rule of thumb going forward. As we add better players and the average players score increases, it will become more and more challenging to reach the top ten. That’s not a bad thing! Because 3 billion won't be enough.

We’re not going to be one of those clubs that makes everybody an officer or co-leader. That’s just dumb. I get why they do it. Those clubs don’t want there to be angst over promotions, so they promote everyone. I think it goes without saying that if everyone is promoted, then being promoted means nothing.

We also aren’t going to be one of those teams that chooses officers according to favoritism. If you want to be an officer, no matter who you are, you can earn those stripes with your production. I’ll say it again another way. Members who display superior production relative to other members, will be promoted to officer.

So what if you see an officer that isn’t playing that much for the week and his score is low. You happen to pass that officer on the ladder. Should you expect to be promoted to officer because you passed an officer? Maybe, but not necessarily!

In order for there to be fairness, officers will be required to maintain a certain level of production to keep their stripes. That’s right! Officers can be demoted for lack of production.

You will notice that I haven’t made mention of Co-Leaders. For the most part Co-Leaders will need to earn their stripes as well, but there is additional criteria for Co-Leaders that I will address in a separate post.

Back to Officers...

I’m going to leave the specifics for what levels we promote/demote at open for discussion within this forum. What I am thinking is this: (1) A top ten finish for any member at end of week (Sunday and not before) earns that member his/her officer stripes. (2) A finish below position 30, ie; 31-50, the officer is relegated or demoted back to member. (3) A finish below position 20 for 3 weeks in a row, the officer is relegated.

This will insure that we keep the team fresh and hungry. It will prevent resentments from building up regarding promotions because everyone is playing by the same rules. So there it is! Let me know what you think and remember...

“We're all very different people. We're not Watusi, we're not Spartans, we're Americans. With a capital "A", huh? And you know what that means? Do you? That means that our forefathers were kicked out of every decent country in the world. We are the wretched refuse. We're the underdog. We're mutts.” - John Winger aka Bill Murray 

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